Interview d’Aleevok du one man band de black metal atmosphérique Belore. Nous reviendrons sur son parcours, ses choix musicaux et ses convictions. La musique de Belore est tout simplement solaire et envoutante, du black metal raffiné français en quelque sorte !
Musiques :
- Ben Guinchi & Death Throne – Parole de métaleux thème
- Belore – The Valley of the Giants, The Initiation Ritual, The King’s Funeral
- ….. Et encore un blind test !
The king’s funeral
The sun shines the stones in a golden fire
By an evening spring the tragic horns resonate
The coat of arms floats in the air under a light breeze
Making way for the remains of the kingThe body decked out with the royal colors
Hiding the wounds of a fatal battle
Honored by numerous people and gathered
Coming to pay a last tribute to the disappeared monarchThe remains blaze illuminating the royal court
The songs accompany the crackling fire
The embers fly away, blending with the stars
A light then springs from the center of the flames
The spirit of the sovereign is removed from the altar
Visible from the ramparts the blinding light rises
Infiltrating slowly into the jewel of the crown
Joining the ancient kings to guide his successor